
What they said:

Jamezetta Bedford
Chair, Orange County Commissioners
"Marilyn demonstrated strong leadership as Orange Dems Chair, inviting community members to get involved and reaching out to many diverse residents to include them. I aprpeciate that she has lived experience as a family member related to disability and mental health issues."

Phyllis Portie-Ascott
Orange County Commissioner, District 2
"I have had the privilege of knowing and working with Marilyn for several years, and I have consistently been impressed by her dedication, intelligence, and unwavering commitment to our community. Marilyn served as Chair of the Orange County Democratic Party, where she demonstrated her exceptional leadership skills. She brought together people from all walks of life to build a stronger, more inclusive Democratic Party. Marilyn's passion for public service is evident in everything she does. It is with great enthusiasm that I endorse Marilyn Carter for Orange County District 1 County Commissioner. She is the right leader for our community."

Amy Fowler, MD
Orange County Commissioner, At-Large
"I strongly support Marilyn Carter in her run for Orange County BOCC, District 1 seat. We share interests in mental health and disability awareness, which she has advocated for at the state level. She has also spent many years in leadership positions in the Democratic Party at the local and state level, supporting others in their elections. She is organized, collaborative, and a good listener. She would be a welcome addition to the Board of County Commissioners."

Matt Hughes
Commissioner, Town of Hillsborough
"I've had the opportunity to get to know Marilyn in my role as a former chair of the Orange County Democrats working with one of my successors. What I found in Marilyn is what I thought was refreshing in local leadership: wanting to get to the heart of issues, centering those we're seeking to serve, and understanding all aspects of decision making to ensure all voices are heard. I support Marilyn to serve as an Orange County Commissioner without reservation!"

George Griffin
Chair, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education
"Marilyn is a long-standing advocate for strong public schools, and I am excited she is willing to serve as a County Commissioner. She also will continue to support services for those most in need of housing, health care, and financial assistance. Marilyn has the “people skills” needed to bring together folks who have divergent thoughts and opinions. She has my enthusiastic support!"

Lisa Kaylie
Former Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board Member
"Marilyn Carter's business experience combined with her proven ability to bring people together from throughout our community makes her uniquely qualified for the District 1 Orange County Commissioner seat. I am excited to endorse her candidacy for the Board of County Commissioners."

Jane D. Brown
James L. Knight Professor Emeritus, UNC-CH
"Marilyn Carter is the consummate leader – she listens and responds thoughtfully and decisively when called for. She is gracious and respectful to others. And she has great ideas. I had the privilege of working with Marilyn when our precinct was merging with hers. She was instrumental in making that a smooth and productive transition. Then as chair of the Orange Co. Democratic party, she brought us all together. We were energized and effective, thanks to her excellent leadership. I saw her bring those same talents to the Orange County Democratic Women so that it is now, too, a vibrant, effective organization. Marilyn will be an excellent County Commissioner. She knows this County from many perspectives and will devote all her considerable energy and intelligence to helping us all live better lives in this special place."

TJ White
Past President, UNC Young Dems
"I saw how much Marilyn cares about civic engagement when we collaborated on a speaker series with Democratic judges. Marilyn was instrumental in bringing together the UNC Young Dems, the African American Caucus of Orange County, and the Democratic Women of Orange County to pull off this hugely successful project that highlighted the importance of our judges and our courts. I know that when Marilyn is on the Board of County Commissioners, she will work just as hard to engage with the community about what they want and need from their County Government."

Charles Burnham
Efland Precinct Chair,
Orange County Democratic Party
"Marilyn Carter's enthusiastic leadership and organizational abilities are certain to make her a great county commissioner and a significant asset to all the people of Orange County."

Kenneth Woods
Cheeks Precinct Chair,
Orange County Democratic Party
"Marilyn will be Commissioner for all of Orange County, and I know personally she will listen to the voices of all of Orange County."

Christian DeJesus
Vice President Young Dems of Orange County
"In the short time I've known Marilyn, she learns from listening to regular working-class people that everyone deserves to be taken into consideration and heard, no matter where they are from. I'm excited to see her deliver real results for Orange County."

Rev. Hart Edmonds
Eno Precinct Chair,
Orange County Democratic Party
"I met Marilyn Carter soon after moving here. Marilyn shows up in community service efforts to make life better all across Orange County. She's a servant leader with a passion for pulling people together to improve life at the local level where quality education, a healthy environment, and smart development matter to us all."

Ann Henley
County-to-County Executive Committee
"As a County Commissioner Marilyn will provide the same sort of service to her constituents in Orange County as she gave County-to-County when she chaired the Orange County Democratic Party: always thoughtful, resourceful, and effective. She’s a strong, loyal leader."

HollyAnn Rogers
Chair, Person County Democratic Party
"Having served alongside Marilyn on district-level committees within the Party and attended training events she provided, I firmly support her candidacy for Orange County Commissioner. She is intelligent, informed, and dedicated -- all necessary qualities of a great County Commissioner."

Vicki Hill
Precinct Co-Chair, Orange Dems
"Marilyn has a wide knowledge of the diverse people living here and their needs. As former chair of the Orange County Dems, she knows the county and our residents from its center to its corners. She has volunteered with several nonprofits and county-based groups which has tuned her in to their concerns. Marilyn is ready to start as an Orange County Commissioner."

Michael Fath
First Vice Chair, Orange County Democratic Party
"Marilyn Carter is the ideal candidate for District 1 County Commissioner in Orange County. She has the experience, vision, and leadership to engineer an even brighter future for our county, with a focus on inclusive land use planning, high-quality education, and housing as a human right."

Shayda Abadi
Registered Nurse
"Marilyn cares deeply about health advocacy and ethical approaches to policy decisions. She demonstrates cultural intelligence and would be an asset to the Board of Commissioners."

Triangle Blog Blog
"Three of our endorsed candidates – Marilyn Carter, Jean Hamilton, Amy Fowler – are running unopposed in their Districts. Our fourth pick – Democrat Phyllis Portie-Ascott – faces a Republican opponent in the 2nd district. Though we don’t agree with these candidates on every topic, we appreciate their advocacy for our public school system in both school districts – and their thoughtful answers to our questionnaire."
Additional Supporters
Sharon Palsha, PhD, Faculty member UNC-CH (retired)
Ann Rauchbach
M. Hassan Emamian.
Simin Hall
Marjaneh Issapour
Maryam Tabibzadeh, Author, Persian Dreams